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Answering Mormonism

Click on the links below to view the videos on YouTube

The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon
This is an excellent scholarly examination of the historical and archeological evidence
supporting the Bible, but no similar historical or archeological evidence supporting the Book of Mormon.
Also watch other outstanding videos on this site that answer other Mormon doctrinal teachings, including
"DNA vs. The Book of Mormon," "Called To Be Free," and "Lifting the Veil of Polygamy."


Jesus Christ & Joseph Smith - Christianity versus Mormonism
This is an excellent examination of the evidence proving that Jesus Christ and Christianity
are true and that Joseph Smith and Mormonism are false


Story of Mormonism - Real Mormon Theology Revealed
This video tells the Mormon version of the origin of mankind (how Mormons can become Gods) taken from
Joseph Smith's alleged translation of the so-called Book of Abraham.  This is a portion of Mormon theology
that the Mormons don't tell you about until you're well on your way to becoming a Mormon