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Homer Hailey
The Books of Jeremiah and Lamentations
(Jeremiah Recorded 1994 - Lamentations Record Date Unknown)

Jeremiah 1:1 - 2:8 Jeremiah 13:16 - 15:9
Jeremiah 3:6 - 4:4 Jeremiah 22
Jeremiah 4:5 - 5:9 Jeremiah 47 & 48
Jeremiah 5:10 - 6:15 Jeremiah 49
Jeremiah 6:16 - 7:34 Lamentations 1 & 2
Jeremiah 8 & 9 Lamentations 4
Jeremiah 10:1 - 11:17 Lamentations 3 (Intentionally out of order)
Jeremiah 11:18 - 13:15 Lamentations 5