To download the Mp3 files below follow these steps:
1.  Right click the file you wish to download.    2. Select "Save Target As"
3.  Choose the location where you want to save the file in the "Save In" window
4.  Change the file name if you wish, then click on "Save"

Melvin Curry
(Recorded 1996 - 2003)

God Speaks In Scripture Suffering For Doing Good
God Foretells The Future A Reason For Hope
God Speaks In History Ethics For Exiles
God Loves The World The Promised Seed
God Demands Righteousness The Glorious King
God Does All Things The Suffering Servant
Rise of Unbelief Teacher of Righteousness
Modern Idols The Divine Warrior
The Unknown God The Son of God
Humanism The Suffering and Glorified Savior
Only One Right Way The Holy People
God Raises The Dead The Savior's Glorious End
Suffering and Glory The Saint's Glorious End
What Is A Christian Jesus, The Koran, and Islam
The Lord Is Gracious